“What Home Means to Me”
Congratulations to Miss Kemiya Wicker on her First place win in GAHRA’s “What Home Means to Me” Poster Contest. Miss Wicker will now have the opportunity to move on to the Regional and National level!
News & Announcements
Upcoming Events & Important Dates

You have questions? We’ve got answers!
Where is the Housing Authority’s main office located?
We are located at 542 Richardson Street, Montezuma, GA 31063. Our Mailing address is PO Box 67, Montezuma, GA 31063.
How do I contact the office?
What are your office hours?
Office Hours are Monday through Thursday from 8am-4:30pm. The office is closed for most federal holidays. If you are unable to reach a team member, please leave a voice mail message with a good call back number and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Can I have family or friends stay with me?
Guests are generally welcome and fall under limited authorization. Residents are allowed to have overnight guests. However, under the lease, guests are not allowed to stay more than 14 days within any one consecutive year.
Can I have pets?
FACHA’s Pet policy allows for one authorized pet per household. Registration of your pet at the main office and payment of the pet deposit fee ($150) will need to be done prior to admitting any pets into the household. Please see the Pet Policy for more details.
What is an annual recertification?
At least once annually, Resident shall furnish, in the form prescribed by Management, accurate and complete information as to Resident’s family income, assets, employment, and composition. If, on the basis of information furnished by Resident or gathered from other sources.
How do I get my security deposit back?
The Housing Authority requires a 30 day written notice to vacate. If proper notice is given, rent is current, and the apartment is left in clean condition with no damages (less normal wear and tear), the security deposit will be returned. If there are legitimate damages and past due charges on the account, they will be deducted from the security deposit. A move out inspection and any security deposit refunds will be sent out within 30 days of the vacated apartment date.
Who do I report maintenance problems to?
During normal business hours of operation Monday-Thursday, from 8:00am-4:30pm, to report a maintenance issue, please call 478-472-8209 ext. 203. If this is an after hour’s maintenance issue, please call 1-800-791-9344.
Once I am housed, can I move to another location or jurisdiction?
Under limited circumstances and pending FACHA approval, a Resident who has lived in the system at least a year may transfer to another unit in the Flint Area Consolidated Housing Authority system. FACHA has no control over other Public Housing Authorities and so transferring out of our region is not something we can help a Resident with.
When is my rent payment due?
Rent is due on the first of the month and accepted up until close of business on the 10th of the month. After the 10th, rent is considered late. A Resident can pay late rent up until the 15th. After that time, the Resident is turned over to collections and sent to court for violation of the lease and must pay late penalties and court fines within 7 days or face eviction.
If the 10th of the month occurs on a weekend or holiday, then the rent must be postmarked prior to the 10th or placed in the night deposit drop box at 542 Richardson Street. Montezuma GA, 31063, before 7:30am of he next working day.
What form does my rent payment need to be in?
If paying in the mail office, dropping the rent in the night drop box, or via mail, FACHA accepts money orders and cashier’s checks as proper forms of payment. NO CASH, personal checks, or other tender is accepted by these locations. Resident’s are able to now pay their rent online via debit or credit card. We do not have access to your username and password, so it is important that you keep up with that information.
What if I cannot afford my entire rent payment in time? Can I make partial payments?
No. The Authority can only accept complete payments for rent. No partial payments will be accepted.
If I owe a Fine or Late fee how long do I have to pay?
Fines and Late fees must be paid immediately. They are due at the same time as your next rent payment.
If I owe Maintenance Fees how long do I have to pay?
Regular maintenance fees must be paid within 3 months of the completion of the work. If a resident cannot pay in that time frame, they will be required to sign a monthly repayment agreement.
How do I contact HUD?
The Flint Area Consolidated Housing Authority team is here to help anyone to the best of our abilities and we pride our Team for doing so. Sometimes circumstances come up when a Resident feels that contacting HUD is a solution that will best help them. FACHA wants all of the Residents to have all options available to them. To contact HUD Atlanta Office, the telephone number is 404-331-5136. Residents and Applicants may also go to www.HUD.gov.